Sunday, 30 March 2014


I've been doing lots of sewing to prepare for The Great Baby Market (and my diapers debut to the local market).  Today I did minimal sewing however as I have spent most of the day asleep lol.  today I also reached 37 weeks so my body is in prep mode I guess.  i do worry about bby coming before the Matket and what I'll do then.   So I thought some diaper sewing tips would be a good post for today. 

1.  Keep your machine cleared of fluff build up, keep it oiled, change your needles regularly. 

2.  Measure twice,  cut once.  It's an old saying but it's very true.  I keep my measuring tape around my neck so It's always handy.   This keeps me using it often throughout.  The odd time I don't, I usually regret it later.
3. Prewash your material.  you want shrinking to occur before you sew. 

4. Iron.  Iron your material and seams all the time.  The results will be visable.  Ironing takes a finished piece from good to great everytime. 

5. Diapers and liners (etc) get washed more then any other type of laundry.  Therefore they need good sturdy sewing to stand up to the extra use.  French seams, top stitching, zigzag, diamond stitch or serge.  These will keep your diapers together. 

6. Experiment!  Yes its a scary thought but it generally leads to improvements making a better product as you move along and progress.  If I hadn't worked up the nerve to experiment I'd be making basic prefolds still.  I'm so very glad to be making my own design based on all I want in a diaper. 

7. Trust your ideas!  When you make a decision (especially based on your own ideas and experiments) , people often add their 2 cents "oh ands do this, Id do that this way, lots of people like this instead"  Know what you want and need.  Create that!  yes lotsa of people like certain things over others, just as many people don't like those same things.  The variety in cloth diapers is large.  You need to know what you want....just you.  If your making for others also (as I will be) this is still important. Cuz there will be others who want the same things. 

8.  Enjoy the process.

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